Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

Here at Timber Lane we are committed to a school wide approach to ensure positive behaviors are recognized and encouraged on a daily basis.  We know that focusing on the positive helps to build a cohesive community where all students feel safe and respected.

Our school motto is that students are respectful and responsible for themselves, each other and our environment.  Every day we reinforce the importance of being respectful and responsible students.   All staff members are responsible for handing out at least 100 Tiger Tickets every month to students who are making respectful and responsible choices.  Staff members give tickets to any child no matter what the age level.  The students turn their tickets into a grade level box and each week Kim Cook and I pull names and announce students who received tickets for following the school motto.  The students do not receive any prizes for their behaviors because the positive recognition in front of their peers serves as the reward.  We are celebrating making positive choices at Timber Lane.

In addition to Tiger Tickets, every month the teachers recognize 2-3 students as the Citizens of the Month.  These students continuously make positive choices and act in a respectful and responsible manner.  These students receive a certificate, pencil and an Outback kid’s meal coupon for their continued commitment to making positive choices.  All of the students selected during the year, have their photo displayed along the front hallway. 

Thank you for your continued support in reminding students about our school motto and how they can continue to make positive choices every day at school.  We want every student to have a positive learning experience each and every day!