Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello families

It is hard to imagine that we are already half way through our first quarter of school. Interims were sent home this week and this is just one way for teachers to keep students informed about their progress. Please review the interim with your child and have them set goals for the remaining weeks of the first quarter. The first quarter ends on October 29th.

I am looking forward to our PTA meeting next Wednesday, October 13th at 7:00 in the library. We will be approving this years PTA budget and officially signing on the new PTA board. We have many areas that we still need support with this year so we hope you will be able to join us on Wednesday night.

Thank you to all of the families who have supported the school by purchasing/selling items for the Lavender's fundraiser. This is our biggest fundraiser and it is really important to try and sell at least one item from the catalog. We will still be accepting orders next week!

Have a wonderful long holiday weekend with your families,