Friday, November 5, 2010

The Book Fair is here!

The fall book fair has arrived at Timber Lane.  There are countless selections of books for you to choose from for students of all ages.  All of the students will have an opportunity to visit the book fair with their class so they can preview some of the selections.  Thanks to the hard work of Debbie Buchanan and Kristan Anderson along with all of the volunteers the book fair looks great and I am certain it will be a huge success.  Sharon Frank and Marilyn Harris have also worked very closely with the parents to ensure that our book selection meet the needs of all readers.  All of their dedication and support translates into a wonderful literacy event for the entire school community!


I wanted to call your attention to a couple of key events during the book fair:


First, the book fair is open every day during school hours.  Parents please feel free to stop in and visit, browse and shop if your schedule allows.  Also, Monday, November 8th the book fair will be open in the evening from 6:30-8:00.  This is a great time for you to stop by with the whole family.  Our special guest on Monday evening will be Miss Jackie who will be on hand to autograph some of her published books.  If you don’t know, Ms. Jackie is the former librarian at Timber Lane and has published many children books.  We are very excited that she will be able to attend!


Second, the theme of this year’s book fair is Heroes and who are better heroes than grandparents.  So Thursday, November 11th is Grandparents Day at the book fair.  Grandparents are invited to join their grandchildren for lunch and then visit the book fair with them during recess time.  We hope many grandparents will be able to attend.


Next, all the students were given the option to participate in an essay contest about heroes.  All entries were due today and we are looking forward to reading all of the submissions.


Finally, starting next week all students will be asked to donate loose change into a plastic milk jug within their classroom.  The money collected will be used to purchase books from Scholastic for use at Timber Lane.  We are very excited to acquire many new books just by collecting loose change.


Thank you for your continued support of Timber Lane and we look forward to seeing many of you at the BOOK FAIR!      


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

Here at Timber Lane we are committed to a school wide approach to ensure positive behaviors are recognized and encouraged on a daily basis.  We know that focusing on the positive helps to build a cohesive community where all students feel safe and respected.

Our school motto is that students are respectful and responsible for themselves, each other and our environment.  Every day we reinforce the importance of being respectful and responsible students.   All staff members are responsible for handing out at least 100 Tiger Tickets every month to students who are making respectful and responsible choices.  Staff members give tickets to any child no matter what the age level.  The students turn their tickets into a grade level box and each week Kim Cook and I pull names and announce students who received tickets for following the school motto.  The students do not receive any prizes for their behaviors because the positive recognition in front of their peers serves as the reward.  We are celebrating making positive choices at Timber Lane.

In addition to Tiger Tickets, every month the teachers recognize 2-3 students as the Citizens of the Month.  These students continuously make positive choices and act in a respectful and responsible manner.  These students receive a certificate, pencil and an Outback kid’s meal coupon for their continued commitment to making positive choices.  All of the students selected during the year, have their photo displayed along the front hallway. 

Thank you for your continued support in reminding students about our school motto and how they can continue to make positive choices every day at school.  We want every student to have a positive learning experience each and every day! 


Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello families

It is hard to imagine that we are already half way through our first quarter of school. Interims were sent home this week and this is just one way for teachers to keep students informed about their progress. Please review the interim with your child and have them set goals for the remaining weeks of the first quarter. The first quarter ends on October 29th.

I am looking forward to our PTA meeting next Wednesday, October 13th at 7:00 in the library. We will be approving this years PTA budget and officially signing on the new PTA board. We have many areas that we still need support with this year so we hope you will be able to join us on Wednesday night.

Thank you to all of the families who have supported the school by purchasing/selling items for the Lavender's fundraiser. This is our biggest fundraiser and it is really important to try and sell at least one item from the catalog. We will still be accepting orders next week!

Have a wonderful long holiday weekend with your families,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome Timber Lane families,

I wanted to take a moment and invite you to Back to School Night this year.

Kindergarten Back to School Night will be held on Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:30. All kindergarten parents should report to the cafeteria when you arrive.

Parents of students in grades 1st-6th are invited to Back to School Night on Thursday, September 23rd at 6:30. All parents should go directly to their child's classroom when you arrive.

These nights are designed to provide parents with specific information about the classroom and give parents the opportunity to meet their child's teacher. We look forward to seeing all of you next week!

Also, I wanted to remind all parents to become members of the PTA(Parent Teacher Association). We want you to be involved in every aspect of your child's education and by becoming an active member you will be able to stay up to date with all of the happenings at school. Membership will start soon and there will be more information provided during Back to School Night. My goal is for all of you to join the PTA this year and I know this is possible. Thank you in advance for your support.

We have had a wonderful start to the school year and we look forward to a great year!

My goal is to keep you updated through this blog and our keep in touch system. Please check back for more updates and information each week!

Have a great weekend!
Thank you