Thursday, June 7, 2012

Girls on the Run

On Sunday, May 20th, the Timber Lane Girls on the Run teams ran the Girls on the Run 5k at George Mason University.  Twenty-three girls from Timber Lane ran and finished the race!  We had parents, siblings and staff who joined the girls as buddy runners and ran the race.   The girls practiced every Monday and Thursday morning for ten weeks to prepare for the race.  During each GOTR session the girls learned lessons about bullying prevention, healthy body image and how to be a good citizen and friend.  We are very proud of the girls and their buddy runners.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Spring Sing

On Thursday, May 11 Timber Lane held a spring sing-along.  All of the classes, staff and parents were invited to the sing-along.  Each grade level had practiced their songs in their music classes over the past few weeks.  Each grade level along with the Timber Lane Chorus performed songs for the audience.  It was amazing to watch and listen to all of the students.  A big Thank You to Mr. Sennett and Mrs. Hentz for putting the sing-along together for our Timber Lane Community!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Project Plant-It

Timber Lane partnered with Dominion Power to participate in Project Plant-It.  Dominion gave the school two trees to plant in our courtyard.  Five employees from Dominion came to Timber Lane on Friday, April 27th to hold a planting ceremony with all of the third grade students.  The students learned all about each of the employees jobs and also the importance of taking care of the trees.  Each child had a chance to help plant the trees and then they watered both trees.  After the ceremony each student received a small tree to take home to plant.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Science assembly

On Monday, April 17, Billy B came to Timber Lane for an assembly.  He explained the effects of pollution on the environment through song and dance.  Billy B talked to the students about river pollution and its’ impact on fish and insects.  He explained the changes of the seasons and why they happen.  The students and staff really enjoyed his presentation and talked about it all day.

Author visit

The author Kevin O’Malley visited Timber Lane on April 10th.  He presented during two different assemblies.  Mr. O’Malley told stories through drawing.  He also asked the students questions to help drive the story.  This taught the students that they have full control of their own creativity when it comes to their writing.  During each assembly Mr. O’Malley led the students through a full story that they all created together through the use of drawings and creativity.  The students absolutely enjoyed the assemblies and were fully engaged through the forty five minute segments.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Staff Basketball Game

On Friday, March 16, the Timber Lane staff played against the Westlawn staff in a friendly basketball game at Fall Church High School.  The entire gym was packed with fans from both schools.  The half time entertainment included dances by the Timber Lane Kindergarteners and students from Westlawn.  The entire crowd participated in a flash mob started by the staff of both schools.  They danced the Cha-Cha Slide between the third and fourth quarter.   Both teams played well and showed great sportsmanship and school spirit.